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At Village Veterinary Hospital in La Jolla, we understand that surgical procedures can be a stressful experience for both pets and their owners. That's why our skilled veterinary team is dedicated to providing expert surgical care in a compassionate and supportive environment.

Our Surgical Services

  • Soft Tissue Surgery: We perform a variety of soft tissue surgeries, including tumor removals, wound repairs, and gastrointestinal surgeries.
  • Orthopedic Surgery: Our veterinarians are skilled in performing orthopedic surgeries to address issues such as fractures, ligament tears, and joint problems.
  • Dental Surgery: We offer dental surgeries such as tooth extractions, gum surgeries, and oral tumor removals to address dental health issues in pets.
  • Spaying and Neutering: We provide safe and compassionate spaying and neutering services to help control pet overpopulation and promote your pet's health.
  • Emergency Surgery: In the event of a pet emergency, our veterinarians are equipped to perform lifesaving surgeries to address injuries, trauma, and other critical conditions.

Our Approach to Surgery

  • Before surgery, we conduct a thorough pre-surgical evaluation, including blood work and diagnostic testing, to ensure your pet is healthy enough for anesthesia.
  • During surgery, your pet will be closely monitored by our skilled veterinary team using advanced monitoring equipment to ensure their vital signs remain stable. We use the latest surgical techniques and equipment to minimize discomfort and promote a speedy recovery for your pet.
  • After surgery, we provide comprehensive post-operative care instructions to help you care for your pet during the recovery process. Our compassionate staff is available to answer any questions you may have and provide support every step of the way.

Schedule Your Pet's Surgical Consultation Today

If your pet requires surgery, don't wait to seek veterinary care. Contact Village Veterinary Hospital today to schedule a surgical consultation with one of our experienced veterinarians. We will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that meets your pet's unique needs and helps them get back to feeling their best.